Welcome to Eye of Harmony
What goes through your mind when you look at the picture above? For me, it feels peaceful and looks beautiful, but I also see the billions of years of evolution to create this complex life. Science has been my passion for as long as I can remember and now I am a professional scientist, who not only loves science but also loves science fiction and fantasy too. So, why have I created this website? There are two reasons, the first is because it was science fiction that sparked my interest in science. It was science fiction that, as child, made me wonder if it really was possible to travel to other worlds in space ships, to travel in time and to meet alien lifeforms. Mankind has made such impressive leaps in technology, what could happen in the next 20, 50, 100, 500 or more years?. In contrast, my second loves are comedy and fantasy, who does not enjoy a little swords and sorcery, pure entertainment. However, it is a sad state of affairs that there are an amazing number of people who do not understand the difference between fantasy (can never be true) and science fiction (potentially could maybe, one day, be true). Let's explore the diffrence and have a little fun along the way.
You may be wondering about the name, the "Eye of Harmony". There are two distinct meanings of the term "Eye of Harmony". The term "eye" refers to the organ that enables us to see. However, it also means "centre", such as in the term "eye of the storm". The term "harmony" refers to order and calm and by combining the two gives "eye of harmony" and translates as the centre of calmness. The second meaning refers to the classic and longest running science fiction TV show in the world, Doctor Who, where the "Eye of Harmony" is the power source for the TARDIS, a fantastic spaceship that can travel anywhere in the universe and at any time in history. We shall explore both aspects while exploring science fiction, fantasy and several other exciting topics that interest me as a scientist. Enjoy .....