17 October 2022 - Rings of Power Season 1 Finale
I was partially right. I was spot on with Halbrand being Sauron, but my dream of having a Balrog as the stranger was wrong (a pity, would have been a good story line). It turns out the stranger is Gandalf, what a disappointment.
So what did I think of it, boring, very boring and the writers have taken some massive libertities with what Tolien had written. Nothing new there, the writers are nothing but consistent with the predictable and boring writing. I really hope season 2 steps up a gear or I believe there will be no season 3. We shall see.
Having forced myself to watch all of season 1, the only character I made any connection with was Halbrand. I guess I am rooting for Sauron, which goes to show how bad this TV series is if I am rooting for the bad guy!