Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist


Dad's Army

Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh? I love comedy but I do feel I need to explain what I consider to be really good comedy. For me a great comedy does not take the easy option of trying to shock the audience by doing something outrageous, or using strong language to hide a lack of talent. The best comedies are really quick and clever and can get a laugh almost without trying. The best comedies, in my view, are those that make us laugh and never age with the passing of time. A great example of this is "Dad's Army", even though it's quite old, but is still very funny whatever your age. Another exmaple is "Are you being served?". Who cannot laugh at Mrs Slocombe?. What about even older classic comedy, such as Laurel and Hardy? The boys were outstanding.

With the new fashion for modern outrage, good quality modern comedies are few and far behind. However, an example of an exellent modern comedy is "The Big Bang Theory", a great example of comedy that shows a way of looking at life from different perspectives with some really good, laugh out loud, episodes.

To get started with exploring what's available, click on Penny and Sheldon below:

Big Bang Theory Penny and Sheldon


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