Dr Who Villains - Page 9
KRILLITANESThey improved their form over centuries by taking on the best characteristics of other races they conquered. In their human form they tried to master time, space and matter. The Krillitanes can use a morphic illusion to appear human. Featured with David Tennant's Doctor. |
KROTONSBulky and somewhat clumsy lifeforms. The Krotons spaceship lands on a primitative planet and following a war they make themselves gods and create teaching machines to educate the Gonds in what they wanted them to know. Featured with Patrick Troughton's Doctor. |
KRYNOIDSDeadly carnivorous alien plants with a bulky green form that can expand incredibly quickly to the size of a house. Contact with Krynoids is fatal to humans. One creature was destroyed by UNIT dropping bombs on it. Featured with Tom Baker's Doctor. |
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