Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

About Me


As you can guess from the picture, I am a British scientist. OK, let's start with the academic side before we move onto the more interesting and fun stuff. I completed an honours degree and PhD in the physical sciences, I have been published many times in scientific journals, I have published patents and I am a fellow of a learned body. I am also a chartered scientist. I live and work in England and this website is therefore written in English English.

I have a love of science and this was awakened as a child when I watched the TV science fiction show Doctor Who and Star Trek. For Doctor Who, it wasn't the Doctor that initially caught my attention but the TARDIS. An incredible spaceship that can travel anywhere in space and time. It lead to the question, is it possible to time travel? Once you start to ask questions, then the floodgates open and the enquiring mind generates a whole list of questions which I discuss in the Sci-Fi Science section of this website.

I said a little on the homepage about why I created this website, but I want to expand on this. As a working scientist, I also spend time engaging with the general public attempting to increase the public understanding of science. Unfortunately it is not easy. How many school children (and their parents) have you heard brag about "I'm rubbish at maths" and are proud of it. I have heard this a lot and yet when I start speaking to them about the wonders of science and maths their eyes widen and they start to wake up to the wonder of the universe. It is beautiful to see.

I intend to be continually tinkering with this website, to improve it and to broaden the content. The website contains my personal views and is as scientifically accurate as I can make it for the general public. If you want to see a particular topic discussed, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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