Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

The Fun Stuff

Fun Stuff

What makes you laugh? For me, it can be anything. From enjoying watching a laugh out loud comedy TV show to the frustration of building a complex Lego set and the sense of satisfaction at completing it, or even takig part in an on-line computer game. I enjoy old films, particularly science fiction and fantasy films, especially those with a little bit of naughtiness in them! I enjoy old classic films and TV shows. I would therefore urge you never to dismiss an old film or TV show simply because it is old, sometimes they can be very funny indeed. For example, Dad's Army is just as funny now as it was decades ago.

On the menu on the left I have included a range of fun things . If there is anything you would like to see included, do not hesitate to get in touch.

You may have noticed that I have included wallpapers, which doesn't really fit the theme. I included wallpapers for two reasons: (1) I enjoy changing my wallpaper frequently using a wide range of topics and (2) whenever I look for a new wallpaper I always seem to find dodgey websites that I am not content using. My selection is hassle free.

I guess the last topic I should mention in this section is the naughty bits. This is not porn, but more classic cheeky fun, mostly from a time when life was a lot simpler and people were less offended. If you have any concerns just don't click on the link.

Finally, I have included a toys section, not necessarily children's toys either. Enjoy ....


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