Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist



Stargate was a huge hit running for an impressive 10 sessions, and spawned several spin-offs. It is without doubt one of the best Sci-Fi shows around and therefore deserves it's special place here, just like Dr Who. The main theme of Stargate is that an advanced race built a series of wormhole devices across the galaxy and beyond. Stargate has all the major Sci-Fi themes - time travel, crystals for power and communication, teleporters, lots of aliens (particularly liked the replicators!), hyperdrive systems, weapons and immortal beings.

The characters from both SG-1 and Atlantis have been excellent but it's the baddies once again that steal the show. There is an excellent selection of books, DVDs and Blu-Rays available.

So, now that SG-1 is off our screens, what did we think of the last episode. Our opinion is that it was awful. It's main focus seemed to be to tie up lots of loose ends in preparation for the two full length features, Ark of Truth and Continuum. We thought the mass suicide of the Asgard made absolutely no sense at all. If they had developed an energy weapon capable of destroying an Ori ship and they had a large fleet of ships why didn't they just go out in a blaze of glory destroying the Ori ships - instead they fitted all the technology onto one single earth ship and then blew themselves up. Perhaps we've missed something - if we have please contact us and explain.

Of the two feature films, Ark of Truth is a personal favourite.


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