Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

Star Trek

Star Trek's Mr Spock

When I first encountered Star Trek, the original series, it was not the handsome Captain Kirk that caught my attention. It was the marvellous and oh so logical Mr Spock that was my favourite character. I lovved the way that he applied science and interacted with the other high quality characters in the show. Out of all science fiction TV Shows, it is Star Trek, Doctor Who and Stargate that have set the standard

What made it so special? I think it was a combination of the 5 year mission to explore strange new worlds (sound familiar), the no nonsense approach to dealing with pesky Klingons and deceitful Romulans and most importantly breaking new ground. When you see them passing  data between themselves on little hand-held devices, that was long before USB sticks or even the basic floppy disc. When you saw them communicating with each other on a device that didn't have a cable, that was long before the cell phone! It was groundbreaking, it even got the first televised interracial kiss.

It's amazing to see that the original series spawned several follow on TV shows, such as The Next Generation, the excellent Deep Space 9, Voyager with another of my personal favourites Seven of Nine, Enterprise. The dreadful STD and the slightly less dreadful Picard. Plus, a whole series of films ranging from OK to dreadful. Finally, it has also spawned an excellent MMO computer Start Trek Online (which I play frequently).

Take a look at what my sponsor offers, there is so much that is Star Trek related, TV shows, books, toys/gadgets, films, clothes if you like to try cosplay .... everything, just click on one of the links below:





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