Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

Modern Fantasy - The Mummy

The Mummy

Our link below is to The Mummy trilogy box set, a quick summary below:

The Mummy: In 1925, in the Sahara Desert, a group of treasure hunters stumble on a 3,000 year old tomb and the mummified incarnation of an Egyptian priest out for revenge: As punishment for killing Pharaoh Seti and sleeping with his mistress, Egyptian priest Imhotep was mummified alive and cursed. But in 1923 he is inadvertently resurrected by treasure hunters and must be stopped before he can wreak his final vengeance on the world.

The Mummy Returns: The mummified body of Imhotep is transported to a museum in London. Once again he wakes and so begins a new campaign of rage and terror.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor: No actual Mummy in this and that is why this is not included in my main list, however the trilogy is goo value. In essence a Chinese Dragon Emperor (Jet Li) and his vast army of warriors have been frozen in time, cast in clay, waiting for their moment to rise again.


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