Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

Critical Thinking

Do you take the time to think? I mean, to really think? Unfortunately, I believe that the number of thinkers is greatly reducing as people are looking to others to tell them what to think. How often has someone said something that is clearly false and the person has just accepted it as true and blindly repeats it. A true mind should always question everything, asking simple questions like - "what's the evidence?" In court, it's all about evidence, so why not in our personal lives?

Personally, my view is that the rot starts in education, where pupils are told what to think and believe. I have heard so many examples of children asking a question only to get that they don't need to know that. That's terrible. In my view everyone should understand what critical thinking is and the first step is to read, click on one of the flags below to see the available books from my sponsor on crtical thinking.




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