Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist



Look at your computer, or your mobile phone, or the electric light. What do all these things, and many more like them, have in common. They came into being because of education. Education gives mankind the means to invent, to build and to improve society. It also gives mankind the means to destroy and more efficiently kill than at any time in past. However, as our knowledge improves we hope that our society improves at an ever faster rate and that mankind moves towards a more pleasant place to live. But, if that is not true, then we will move to an elite society where a very small number of elites have all the money and power and the vast majority are in a pitiful state with every aspect of their lives controlled. What do you think? Where are we now on the road to this?

My personal view is that we are moving towards the elite disaster but we are not there yet and that through real education (not what we have now) we can survive and flourish. Whether that will happen or not, I don't know. I am hopeful, but we shall see. Education is the key, and in my view it is the only key. The ignorant, and the midwit, will lead us to disaster with the only salvation being to get a real education and make a difference to the world.

Take a look at what our spronsor has to offer by clicking on one of the two flags below, or join a distance learning organisation and get a useful degree, such as science or engineering.





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