Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

Popular Science


Science is far more amazing than anything you will see in science fiction. It was not that long ago that mankind would make up stories to explain the world around them, for example why does the sun move across the sky? Easy it was a god traveling across the sky in their chariot. What causes lightening and thunder, easy a god is angry. Science can now explain why the sun travels across the sky and why thunder and lightening occurs. However, the more science understands the world, the more amazing it becomes and the less and less simple it is. Let me give you an example. At school you would have learned that everything is made up of atoms and that they have a nucleus with electrons that travel around like the planets orbit the sun. If you continue to study science you're told that what you were taught in school is not real at all. Yes, there is a nucleus but the electrons sit at discrete energy levels and we do not know we either know their position or speed but not both, some very strange behaviour. This is the nature of science, the deeper you look the more that you discover.

What does this mean? It means when you are young you tend to believe everything you're told and just take it as true. However, if you stop and think, then you start to ask questions. Let's have another example, in school you are taught that the angles inside a triangle always add up to 180 degrees. Wrong. I can draw a triangle where every internal angle is a right angle. just draw the triangle on a ball, the curved surface allows all the internal angles to be right angles.

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