Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

Significant Companions

There have been many companions that have joined the Doctor on his travels. Some have been fleeting and others have remained with the Doctor for a while. Some companions proved themselves to be significant and others a complete irrelevance. This is not a comprehensive list of all the companions, just the significant companions. I have left out the planks of wood and those that brought nothing to the show. If you think I'm missing a significant companion, or including one that you don't think was significant, let me know.



Ace was played by Sophie Aldred. Ace is a tough streetwise teenager, whose real name is Dorothy, and she has a tendency to blow things up with nirto9, her homemade explosives. Ace was the companion of Sylvester McCoy's Doctor.



Ace was played by Matthew Waterhouse. Adric was a mathematical genius from the planet Alzarius who stows aboard the TARDIS. Adric has one of the best death scenes in Dr Who, where he tries (and fails) to stop a spaceship crashing into Earth, never knowing that the explosion was responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs. Adric travelled with Tom Baker's Doctor and Peter Davison's Doctor.

Amy Pond


Amy Pond was played by Karen Gillan. Amy was a witty feisty girl that was just a little stubborn.Amy had a difficult childhood after crack appeared in her bedroom wall and comsumed her world and her parents. Amy eventually marries Rory Williams.Amy first meets the Doctor as a young child when the TARDIS crash lands in her garden and waited for him to return for 14 years, calling him the "Raggedy Doctor". Amy travelled with Matt Smith's Doctor.

Astrid Puth


Astrid Peth was played by Kylie Minoque in the Christmas Special "Voyage of the Damed". Astrid was a waitress on a pleasure starship owned by Max Capricorn, who sabotages his own ship. Astrid is a brave companion that dies with honour.

Barbara Wright


Barbara Wright was played by Jacqueline Hill. Barbara was a history teacher at Coal Hill School in London Barbara was one of the Doctors first companions. Barbara's most famous episode was when she was mistaken for an Aztec goddess and tries to use her position to stop human sacrifice. Barbara travelled with William Hartnell's Doctor.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart


Nicholas Courtney played Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and appeared with the Doctor on numerous occasions as the head of UNIT. The Brigadier has been one of the greatest allies the Doctor has had, although the two have sometimes not always seen eye-to-eye! The pair first meet in "The Web of Fear" where Lethbridge-Stewart is a colonel and they combat Yetti monsters controlled by the Great Intelligence.

Lady Christina de Souza


Lady Christina de Souza was played by Michelle Ryan in the Christmas special "Planet of the Dead". Christina was an aristocat who steals precious artefacts. During an escape from a burglary she enters a London bus which travels through a wormhole to the sand planet San Helios. It is Christina's skills that aid the Doctor save the day. At the end of the episode, Christina wanted to travel with Doctor in the TARDIS, but the Doctor refused.

Clara Oswald


Clara Oswald was played by Jenna-Louise Coleman. For a long time Clara was an enigma, an impossible girl that appears at different times and locations in the Doctor's timeline. Clara is sassy, smart and a helpful companion, although the Doctor often found her maddening and intriguing in equal measures. The impossible girl plot involved Clara jumping into the Doctor's timeline at Trenzalore in order to save him in every regeneration. Clara travelled with both Matt Smith's Doctor and Peter Capaldi's Doctor.

Donna Noble


Catherine Tate played Donna Noble with David Tennant's Doctor. Donna was a feisty and bad tempered companion that was never afraid to speak her mind. Donna first meets the Doctor when she trasported inside the TARDIS in the "Runaway Bride" Christmas special. Donna initially declines the Doctor's invitation to travel with him, but soon changes her mind.

Grace Holloway


Grace Holloway was played by Daphne Ashbrook in the made for televison American special "Doctor Who" with Paul McGann's doctor. Grace Holloway was a witty and intelligent heart surgeon who helped the Doctor to defeat the Master after he had opened the Eye of Harmony (the power source of the TARDIS). Grace decided that, although she had become close to the Doctor, she would not travel with him.

Harriet Jones


Harriet Jones was played by Penelope Wilton. Harriet Jones is a formidable MP would works with David Tennant's Doctor to defeat aliens and is rewarded by the people of the UK by becomng Prime Minister. However, the Doctor brings about her political downfall as punishment for her decision to destroy the retreating Sycorax spaceship. Harriet was a very brave lady that used her sub-wave network to bring the Doctor to save the Earth knowing that the Daleks would trace the signal back to her.

Harry Sullivan


Harry Sullivan was played by Ian Marter. Harry was an old fashioned medical officer at UNIT that appears a little too clumsy for a medical doctor. Harry encounters some of the real classic Doctor Who enemies, such as the Sontarans, the Cybermen and he even witnesses the birth of the Daleks. Harry Sullivan traveled with Tom Baker's Doctor.

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