Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

Significant Companions

Martha Jones


Martha Jones , played by Freema Agyeman,and was a medical student when she first encountered the Doctor where she saved his life from a blood sucking alien, a Plasmavore. Martha fought against a range of the Doctors most deadly enemies. After leaving the Doctor, Martha made a career in UNIT as a fully qualified doctor. She marries Micky Smith and becomes a freelance alien hunter.

Mel Bush


Melanie Bush, or Mel, was played by Bonnie Langford,as a young computer expert who loves travelling with the Doctor. Mel is always full of energy and very health aware fitness fanatic. She has a natural curiosity which frequently gets her into difficulties. Mel travels with both Colin Baker's Doctor and Sylvester McCoy's Doctor.

Mike Yates


Captain Mike Yates was played by Richard Franklin as a charming and easy going right hand man to the Brigadier. Unfortunately, despite years of good service he becomes involved in a project that will return the Earth back to prehistoric times. For betraying everybody he was made to leave UNIT dishonourably. After leaving UNIT, he ends up at a Buddhist mediation centre where he realises that there is something badly wrong.



Nyssa was played by Sarah Sutton, Tom Baker's Doctor first meets Nyssa on Traken, a peacful world under attack by the Master. Nyssa was the gentle daughter of a Traken scientist called Tremus who is unfortunately killed by the Master. Nyssa continues to travel with the Peter Davison's Doctor until she chooses to stay on Terminus and use her scientific skills to develop a cure for Lazar's disease.



Peri was played by Nicola Bryant and was a personal favourite of mine. Peri was an American student who was saved from drowning. Peri is adventurous and happily accepted the Doctor's inviation to travel with him.Peri travelled with Patrick Troughton's Doctor, Peter Davison's Doctor and Colin Baker's Doctor.

Polly Wright


Polly Wright was played by Anneke Wills. Polly came from 1960s London and was secretary to Professor Brett, the creator of WOTAN, a supercomputer that decides to take over humanity. After helping to defeat WOTAN, Polly joins William Hartnell's Doctor. Polly witnesses the first regeneration into Patrick Troughton's Doctor and then travels with him. Polly finally leaves to return to her time and place in London.

River Song


River Song was played by Alex Kingston. River Song is first encountered in the episode where she dies and during the course of the following episodes she lives her life backwards to the Doctor and to keep track of events she creates a diary. River Song is the daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams and was designed by the Silence to be a weapon to destroy the Doctor. The Doctor ends up marrying River Song. River Song appears with David Tennant's Doctor and Matt Smith's Doctor.

Romana I


Romana was a female Time Lady and was first played by Mary Tamm. Romana's full name is Romanadvoratrelundar and she was sent by the White Guardian to help the Doctor assemble the Time to Time. Initially, there is much friction between the two of them but they soon settle down into a great team, especially when she regenerates into a more playful version. Romana leaves the Doctor to help a race called the Tharils in e-space. Romana travelled with Tom Baker's Doctor.

Romana II


Romana was a female Time Lady and she appeared as two different regenerations, the second played by Lalla ward. Romana's full name is Romanadvoratrelundar and she was sent by the White Guardian to help the Doctor assemble the Time to Time. Initially, there is much friction between the two of them but they soon settle down into a great team, especially when she regenerates into a more playful version. Romana leaves the Doctor to help a race called the Tharils in e-space. Romana travelled with Tom Baker's Doctor.

Rose Tyler


Rose Tyler was played by Billie Piper as chav shop girl. Rose joined the Doctor after she helped him to defeat the Nestene Consciousness and over time she grows very close to him. Rose is most famous for destroying a Dalek fleet using the power of the TARDIS to access the time vortex, a feat you'd think the Daleks might have thought of as they were also masters of time! Rose travelled with Christopher Eccleston's Doctor and David Tennant's Doctor.

Sarah Jane Smith


Sarah Jane Smith was played by Elizabeth Sladen and was one of the closest companions the Doctor has has known. Sarah Jane was a journalist with a curious nature and the nose for a good story which usually gets her into some difficult situations. Sarah Jane has fought a wide range of enemies before return home on Earth. It was much later in her life that Sarah Jane meets the Doctor again while investigating something strange going on at a school. Sarah Jane continued to fight evil aliens in the spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures, from her attic and with the help of a supercomputer and K9.



Strax is played by Dan Starkey and is a Sontaran commander that is punished by being forced to be a nurse. He joins Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint to form the Paternoster gang in Victorian London. Strax has worked with both Matt Smith's Doctor and Peter Capaldi's Doctor.

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