Eye of Harmony
The thoughts of a real scientist

Dr Who Villains



The Doctor’s greatest enemy, the self-professed masters of the universe. Every Doctor has encountered the Daleks and it is these monsters that destroy the Time Lords and are unstoppable in the universe, despite the constant knockbacks and delays from their only predator, the Doctor. Featured with every Doctor.



The evil genius that created the Dalek. Davros was obsessed with the survival of his race following centuries of war. He decides to make the Daleks pure instinct to hate all life, to have no pity and to either destroy or enslave all life in the universe.



A chained beast in the episode "Battlefield", with blue skin and horns. Featured with Slyvester McCoy's Doctor.



An intelligent civilised and hourable race of reptilian creatures. In the 26th century there were Earth and Draconian empires at war and the Master and the Daleks attempted to cause another war between the two empires. Featured with Jon Pertwee's Doctor.



A 12 million year old skull held the dormant power of the Fendahl. Exploring the skull released the essence of the Fendahl and it took over the body of a woman and, through her, created an army of six foot long slug-like Fendahleens (at he back of the image) to take over the world. Featured Peter Davison's Doctor.



Having lost their bodies in the Time War they exist as a gaseous form, but they want real bodies and have travelled to Victorian England looking for them. Featured Christopher Eccleston's Doctor.



Once human, now dependent on blood and live in the water. At first their appearance is similar to vampires but turn into hideous mutations. Fenric, an ancient evil, uses them to aid his escape. Featured with Sylvester McCoy's Doctor.

Headless Monks


A religious order who cut off their heads for their faith. Although headless, they are skilled warriors. The skulls are stored in the Seventh transept. The skulls eat rats and intruders. Featured with Matt Smith's Doctor.

Ice Warriors


Noble reptilian warriors from Mars who made an attempt to take over the Earth before turning to peace. It was great to see them reappear with Matt Smith's doctor.



Scaroth, the last of the Jagaroth, used profits from stolen works of art to finance experiments in time travel. He appears in City of Death, filmed in Paris (the first foreign filming location). Features with Tom Baker's Doctor



Servant of the Daleks, employed to mis-guide humans in the far future as the hidden controller at a television station in order around Earth. The television station slowly manipulates the people of Earth. Featured with Christopher Eccleston's Doctor.



A soldier, or rather Police Officer, for galactic law enforcement. They provide security for the law making Shadow Proclamation. They have imressive technology but not a lot of brains and can make mistakes easily. Featured with David Tennant and Matt Smith's Doctor.

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